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Find the right employees easily & quickly!
Post your.Job
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Removal of competitors' jobs
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Removal of competitors' jobs
How it.Works
Create and PublishCreate your job post in 4 simple steps and publish it to attract the right candidates.
PromotePromote your job post to rank high in the candidate search results, reducing your time to hire.
Manage applicationsManage the status of the applications you receive, easily and quickly, from one point.
Branded Company.Profile
Create your branded profile and personalise it with description, cover photo and content tabs.
Υοur Branded profile...
... will appear in feed, allowing candidates to follow it and learn first about your open positions.
... allows you to promote your values, vision and company culture, strengthening your Employer Brand and increasing your chances of attracting candidates.
Employer Branding.Solutions
Did you know...
75%of the candidates are more likely to apply to an employer who is actively building their Employer Brand.
92%of employees would consider changing jobs if they were offered a job by a company with a very good reputation.
50%cost-per-hire reduction can be achieved, thanks to a very strong Employer Brand.
10%cost-per-hire increase could be incurred from a negative reputation.